1. in which, wherein, therein (表述範圍、位置);
2. of which, whereof, thereof (表述組成部份)
在【主句語構】(紅色)、【形容語語構】(綠色)、【狀語語構】(紫色)的3個框架中「分別的」應用規則。 今日會講講第三種常見的prep+which及其近親,就是「by which家族」。
3. By which家族: by which, whereby, thereby, hereby (表述「途徑」)
Finally, he got the Green Card in the U.S. ,by which he was entitled the right to vote.
(中譯: 最後,他得到美國綠卡,透過這途徑他被賦予了投票權。)
這裡的by which (綠色)是【形容語connective】,形容Green Card這個n.。而這個by which+sentence 的子句,演化前是這樣的:
【演化前的子句】he was entitled the right to vote by (prep.) the green card (n.).
由於which是relative pronoun (關係「代」名詞)。顧名思義,which有「代替」(吞噬)名詞的功能。所以,將這形容子句鑲到主句上:
Finally, he got the Green Card in the U.S. ,which he was entitled the right to vote by. (by 後面的n. 被「吞」了!)
在【形容語語構】的規則中,relative pronoun前可前置prep。而這個prep是需要在「演化前的子句」中存在。所以,這句的by可放在which前面,如下:
Finally, he got the Green Card in the U.S. ,by which he was entitled the right to vote.
這〈例一〉的prep+ relative pronoun也可以用Relative adverb (如: where, when, why)取而代,而成為〈例二〉:
Finally, he got the Green Card in the U.S. ,where he was entitled the right to vote.
注意:Relative pronoun會「吞噬」noun;而Relative Adverb (e.g. where),顧名思義,會「吞噬」 adverb (prep. 可視為adv.) 連同noun,因此〈例二〉的by不見了!
Finally, he got the Green Card in the U.S. ,whereby (途徑) he was entitled the right to vote.
不過推論到這裡,要留意by which=where=whereby(綠色)的互通,只限在【形容語語構】這樞架中。讓我們看看紅色【主句語構】的whereby吧:
〈例四〉I know whereby the thinking system helps you master the grammar well.
He became a U.S. permanent resident, by which(錯!) getting (拿到)the right to vote.
這句錯誤的地方是名詞(a U.S. permanent resident)不是「拿到」投票權的途徑,而是動詞「成為…」(became a U.S. Permanent resident)才是「拿到」投票權的途徑。這裡需要紫色【狀語語構】(thereby) 來修飾「非noun」(動詞)。
He became a U.S. permanent resident, thereby getting (拿到)the right to vote.
而thereby(紅色) 也可以在【主句語構】中作一般adv.,與hereby (adv.) 距離上一較遠一較近的運用。 如〈例六〉:
A written contract is hereby (adv.) given.
結論: 將4個詞分顏色應用
- by which
- whereby
- whereby
- thereby
- thereby
- hereby
「By which家族」就能梳理清晰了。(這篇文章附上用【7句型+3語構】youtube短片視覺畫解「推論」過程,有興趣的同學可以重溫)